Less time planning
More time together
Find (and agree on) something
memorable to do together.
No more
βWhat do you wanna do tonight?β
βI dunno?
What do you want to do?β
How it works
Find options for cool
things to do.
Send a poll of ideas.
When you all agree,
Let us show you a good time
Try out our Cobble Simulator.
I want to:
***more options & filters in app
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What the peeps are saying...
This app allows us to focus on what we're both interested in...
My boyfriend and I have different taste in a lot of things, but this app allows us to focus on what we're both interested in and there are so many things to choose from!
C, Cobble User
I would recommend this app to anyone...
I've been using this app since I stumbled upon it a year ago, and I haven't put it down since! I would recommend this app to anyone and everyone in the NYC area!
M, Cobble User
From idea to reality...
B and I live for little adventures, exploring, and love games, so Cobble is perfect for us. We love discovering new ideas and matching on dates. I love the little scheduling feature because it turns the idea into reality.
A, Cobble User
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